5th Biennale Mondiale de l’Aérostation

From July 25th to August 3rd, 1997 (253,000 spectators)

1,048 pilots – 11 flights out of 19 – Chambley AirBase (Meurthe-&-Moselle)

This year, the economic situation is catastrophic, the weather also. Almost half of the flights are cancelled. That explains a weak participation of the public; all the more as weekends are bad days. However, there is always a real craze from pilots and crews. Corporate partners invite more and more guests. The show is successful despite poor skies. There are more than 120 exhibitors. 48 nations are attending among which Pakistan. The gas balloon competition enables the Leys brothers to reach Vienna (Austria). A few weeks later, they will win the prestigious Gordon Bennett Cup. We are still organizing air shows featuring for the third time (1991, 1993 and 1995) the famous “Patrouille de France”.

Reference Pilâtre de Rozier Organisation