7th Biennale Mondiale de l’Aérostation

From July 27th to August 5th, 2001 (more than 300,000 visitors)

1,124 pilots – 14 flights out of 19 – Chambley AirBase (Meurthe-&-Moselle)

Since 2000, we organize in Thionville an other gathering, the even years when we don’t organize the “Biennale”. For the “Biennale”, 55 nations are attending. More than 3,800 people take advantage of a first flight. There are more and more partners, even if they don’t stay the ten days. Maybe an effect of the “35-hour week”. The “balloon city” grows bigger on every edition, but this time it is more than 10,000 m² of tents and facilities that are settled and also 40 hectares of parking lot. Guests and celebrities are invited to this famous international “rendez-vous”. Still four air shows are offered to the crowd. Let’s note among animations, the creation of an outdoor movie theater to show the best aeronautical movies. We also organize a conference about the “European pioneers of the airs”.

Reference Pilâtre de Rozier Organisation