3rd Biennale Mondiale de l’Aérostation

From July 30th to August 8th, 1993 (more than 300,000 spectators)

1,122 pilots – 16 flights out of 19 – Ancient NATO base of Chambley-Bussières (Meurthe&Moselle)

We moved to a new place as the airport is yet open. The choice was made of an old (American) NATO airbase, still a neglected place. It’s necessary to reinvent everything. But we intend to stay longer in order to create a site open to all air sports. A true village is created to accommodate a large public. 38 nations are present with 763 hot air balloons. Precious delight, we succeed in having the “Orient Express” conveying the journalists from Paris to nearly the gateway of the field. As for the competition, 14 tasks are organized.

Reference Pilâtre de Rozier Organisation