The 6th promotion of the BIA in Chambley aerodrome

28 Oct 2020

The 6th promotion of the BIA in Chambley aerodrome

Among the many annual activities of Pilâtre de Rozier, there is the teaching of the aeronautical initiation certificate for the Bac Pro Aero students of Jean Zay High School/CFA in Jarny. For the past 6 years, the trainers of the aeronautical clubs of Ulm, gliders, planes and hot-air balloons have been participating in this program “one of the gateways to aeronautics”. The theoretical course is 63 hours to prepare for a national exam in May. Candidates who pass the theoretical part can then enjoy one hour of flight time with a federal instructor in one of the 4 disciplines of their choice (balloon, airplane, glider and Ulm).