The party at the Chambley airfield in early November

2 Nov 2021

Les 5, 6 et 7 novembre, ce sera la fête sur l’aérodrome de Chambley avec la complicité des acteurs de la pOn 5, 6 and 7 November, let’s party on the Chambley airfield along with the platform’s stakeholders. Around the Maison du Projet (MDP), close to the control tower and the restaurant “la Carlingue à Mémé”, you will be able to eat, drink and discover the activities of enthusiasts. A local craft market where you can discover glassblowers, potters and sculptors. But also aerial photos, flight simulator and others. The star of the kitchen will be the Meuse truffle. And of course, discover all the aerial and terrestrial tourist offers of the Chambley aerodrome.