Ballooning: an invitation to travel

16 May 2023

All year round, summer or winter, spring or autumn, hot air balloons can fly. Everything depends on the wind, rain, storms, snow. Stable winds of less than 5 knots (10 km/h) are particularly sought after. It should not be too hot. The candidate for flight is advised to wear a slightly sporty outfit to be comfortable. It is generally hot in the basket because the burner radiates. You can take your camera with you (no smoking in the basket). The passenger is invited to give a hand for the preparation of the balloon. Then he is asked to embark. Several pre-flight phases are carried out by the pilot and it is the signal for departure. The balloon can fly close to the ground or lift up to more than a thousand meters, even more. It all depends on the pilot’s and passengers’ wishes. And contrary to popular belief, you can’t be afraid of heights (you have to have your feet attached to the ground to feel this sensation). You shall be more than 1.5 meters tall to have your head sticking out of the basket. At the landing, the passengers are invited to remain flexible on the legs. But the wicker basket is a real shock absorber, so the landings are generally soft. There, the passengers are requested to help with the folding of the envelope. And the recovery vehicle arrives to take all these people back to the take-off point. An adventure of more than two hours and the discovery of the landscapes seen from the sky hung on a bubble of hot air which sails with the liking of the wind.