Launch of GREAT in Chambley

7 Oct 2021

Launch of GREAT in Chambley

Sous cet acronyme se cache le campus aéronautique d’excellence attribué au Lycée Jean Zay (Jarny) et à l’aérodrome de Chambley. Depuis mars 2020, ce label d’excellence vient couronner le développement de la This acronym hides the aeronautical campus of excellence awarded to the Lycée Jean Zay (Jarny) and the Chambley airfield. Since March 2020, this label of excellence has crowned the development of training on these sites. Last Thursday, from the offices of Pilâtre de Rozier Organisation, a videoconference took place with the actors of the National Education in person, including the Rectrice of the academy and the headmaster of the Jean Zay high school. And remotely, about thirty people, including company managers in the aeronautics sector, including the president of Aériades, the aeronautics cluster of the Grand Est region. This campus can now take off. About a hundred apprentices, Bac Pro and BTS students are already involved.