If we used to reopen the AéroMusée on April 15th past years, things work slightly differently in 2019. Indeed, we are working on a surprise and we are currently finalizing some details, before telling you everything about it. This is the reason why the AéroMusée will reopen only on May 04th, but trust us: it is worthy to wait a bit!
Mark your agendas, this year, the AéroMusée and its educational workshops met a great success even before the spring reopening, and the AéroMusée will be closed on around fifteen dates, privatized to welcome better dozens of tiny blond heads, already very excited to discover the air world.
As it is a Grand Est Mondial Air Ballons year (from July 26th to August 4th), booking for educational workshops are over at the end of May, but a lot of schools did found their timing anyway. For their best welcome, the AéroMusée Pilâtre de Rozier will be privatized on various dates:
- During April: Thursday 18th, Thursday 25th, Monday 29th, Tuesday 30rd
- During May: Tuesday 7th, Thursday 9th, Friday 10th, Tuesday 14th, Thursday 16th, Friday 17th, Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st, Thursday 23rd, Friday 24th, Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th
- And exceptionally closed from July 1st to 25th, due to #GEMAB19 preparation.
But the AéroMusée welcomes you outside of those dates, from April 15th to October 15th:
- Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 12:30am and from 1:30pm to 4:30pm
- Saturday and Sunday from 3:00pm to 6:00pm
For more info about educational workshops, go on: https://www.pilatre-de-rozier.com/en/services/educational-workshops/
For more info about the AéroMusée, go on: https://www.pilatre-de-rozier.com/en/balloons/aeromusee/